Fire Walk Gallery - Our Little Princess

On Friday 7th October 2011, Olivia's mummy faced the unknown and literally walked on fire to raise funds for Scottish Cot Death.

Rallying support from Cat, Mara and Paul, the four of them took to the hot coals, braving the hot temperatures beneath their feet and their own personal fears inside.

On this night we also released lanterns into the sky in memory of our little princess, Olivia.

We raised £1037 from this event.

Lanterns released at the Fire Walk Sore feet after walking across fire The Fire Walk PitNorth Ayrshire-20111007-00299 North Ayrshire-20111007-00300 North Ayrshire-20111007-00305 North Ayrshire-20111007-00310Cat at Firewalk Night Paul at Firewalk Night